Article of the month - Introduction

This being the first article of the series which will be updated on this website, I would like to start off with prevention rather than the treatment part as I am sure many will appreciate and would be willing to maintain their teeth rather than getting them treated post decay.

Teeth being the intergral part of the body needs to be maintained and cared for like the other parts of our body. They help us in chewing all kinds of food many a times a day. But ironically and sadly how many of us do care till we actually end up with a painful tooth. Only brushing twice a day is not enough to have a healthy set of teeth. Apart form brushing twice daily one needs to floss teeth regularly and also use mouthwashes to keep them clean. Regular biannual visit to a dentist for regular checkups and scaling helps to remove unwanted tartar and calculus which help in tooth decay. These visits do help a lot in maintaining teeth and also prevent long and stressful treatment procedures. Also most importantly they also help by saving a lot of money for invasive dental procedures.

Now a days there are also methods wherein decay in teeth can be prevented by performing preventive dental procedures. Please visit the pages from this website wherein you can get all the information regarding the same . This page will be updated every month and you will find newer articles which will be informative and also interesting. So do keep watching for this space for further articles.

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