Article3 - Type 2 Diabetes And Oral Health

Diabetes affects your body's ability to utilize glucose, or blood sugar, for energy. Diabetes can cause many complications. These include nerve damage, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and even blindness. Another common health complication is gum disease and other oral health problems.

People with diabetes are at higher risk for gingivitis, gum disease, and periodontitis (severe gum infection). Diabetes affects your ability to fight off bacteria that can cause gum infections. Diabetes is also associated with increased risk for thrush, a type of fungal infection. Additionally, people with diabetes are likely to have a dry mouth. This has been associated with increased risk for mouth ulcers, soreness, cavities, and dental infections.

SYMPTOMS : bleeding gums, particularly when you brush or floss. a] changes in the way your teeth seem to fit together. b] chronic bad breath, even after brushing c] gums that appear to pull away from the teeth, which may cause your teeth to look longer or larger in appearance d] permanent teeth that begin to feel loose e] red or swollen gums

Prevention The best way that you can prevent diabetes-related complications in your dental health is to maintain optimal control over your blood sugar levels. Check your blood sugar regularly and notify your doctor if you cannot control your levels with diet, oral medications, or insulin. You should also take excellent care of your teeth through regular brushing, flossing, and dentist's visits. You may need to ask your dentist if you need to make more regular visits than the twice-yearly recommendation. If you do notice any warning signs for gum disease, seek immediate dental treatment. Check your mouth for abnormalities on a monthly basis. This includes looking for areas of dryness or white patches in your mouth. Bleeding areas are also cause for concern.

Treatment Treatments for oral health conditions related to diabetes depend upon the condition and its severity. For example, periodontal disease can be treated with a procedure called scaling and root planing. This is a deep-cleaning method that removes tartar from above and below the gum line. Your dentist may also prescribe antibiotic treatments. More rarely, people with advanced periodontal disease may need gum surgery. This can prevent tooth loss.

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